Toyota Material Handling

We were hired to help our customer (TMH) to showcase their concept of digital twin solution with autonomous drones at the 2018 Hannover Messe. The challenge was to tell a 3-5 minute story with the HoloLens for anyone at the showcase floor.
I researched online for existing demos that were similar to ours and tried to find valuable insights. The biggest insight was the lack of interactions so users could focus on story content. As for the HoloLens, I collected feedback from people's first time experience and learned they have difficulty performing the hand gestures. Then, I graphed a user journey, to map out key storytelling points and user interactions for our app. From the graph, I illustrated a storyboard to give a better spatial sense of the 3D content. When presenting to the team the design, we mocked up the showcase booth in our office for body storming and testing.
User Journey Map TMH Storyboard 1 TMH Storyboard 2 Prototype scene
The gaze button was designed to be interacted without hand gesture. The button is activated by the user's visual gaze input (by looking at it), it helps control the pacing of the story. As soon as we had the first build working on the device, I had user tests to run through the experience within 5 minutes, which they roughly did. At this time, we were a week away from the convention.
UI Design User Test
On the week of the convention, I personally demoed our experience (software solution) almost 200 times per day. Visitors of all ages were able to navigate through the experience under 5 minutes and everyone was excited to see what innovations Microsoft and TMH were brining to the future. In post-mortem, the two biggest problems I failed to anticipate was the noise at the convention and the harsh lighting from the sun roof. The noise made it difficult for users to hear the voice overs and soundeffects, and the pure sun light somtimes tinted out the holograms; however the project was still a success.
At the Hannover Messe
Experience video of the project.